Friday, December 9, 2011

Reilly update

First, Reilly and I thank you for the well-wishes.  They are appreciated.

I believe he's through the worst of this growth spurt.  His pain levels are down, as evidenced by his reduced crying and increased activity.  He's still smart enough not to try to run with the other dogs, or climb the carport steps, but last night for the first time in a couple weeks he got his front end on the bed and stretched across to stick his just-came-from-the-water-bowl muzzle in my face.  I had been sound asleep!  I got up and helped him on the bed, then went back to sleep.  When Jake and I came home today, he also stepped up his front end into the car.  I have a new Element with side steps on it so it's easier for him, but he hasn't tried in a couple weeks so him spontaneously doing that is good evidence of decreased pain. 

So at least he will neither be in pain nor living on drugs until his appointment next week.  That's a plus!  He's such a sweetheart of a doggie, it's hard to see him in pain. 

In the meantime, Jake went to work with me today.  It's the last day of finals week.  My finals are over and the campus has far fewer people than usual, so a good test.  The elevator did make him nervous, but that was overcome by the treats in my pocket.  He surprised me by settling down in my office and napping while I worked.  I was afraid he would fret.  We walked across campus to take his shot records to the disability office.  They do not ask it of me as by law they cannot, but the students have to file theirs, so I figure it's only fair. Since Jake has done some counterbalance work for me at home, I opted not to carry anything aside from my back-sling purse, so my balance wouldn't be terribly off...and did not carry a stick at all!  They finally got my brace fixed a couple weeks ago, and with a working leg brace and Jake, I did just fine!  And actually was far more comfortable than with the sticks!  It was wonderful.  Jake still has a lot to learn, but we went slowly so he could look around him and get used to things like doors that open on their own and different types of floors, and I had no balance issues today at all.

I can not wait until I have properly trained dogs!  (note the plural there)

Meg, Reilly ...and Jake


  1. Yay for everyone! It's nice to see that you are getting the help you need. I'm very glad Reilly is better. We started Agatha on Rimadyl for her Arthritis and have seen a huge difference. So nice that she's sleeping through the night again without pacing. Now if I could find something similar....

  2. I'm dreadfully behind, but catching up. Hugs for you and all the doggies!
