Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Puppy watching

As each day goes by and Chris and I watch Reilly, it's amazing to me how rapidly changes are happening since his surgery.  His back is no longer arching and tucking his rear under.  His hind legs, while not yet straight, are straighter.  When he pees, instead of stretching foreword like a horse, he is bending his knees and squatting.  (still not ready to lift that leg, thank goodness!)  He stood on three legs and scratched with a hind leg.  He gets up and down much easier.  His rear end is already showing signs of strengthening, since he's using it more.

I hear stories from reputable sources of dogs who have done this surgery and become sound.  I don't know if "sound" means sound enough to carry on regular dog activities, or sound enough to work, but I will allow a small section of hope to remain, and not give up yet.  It'll be pure luck, but I'd be thrilled.  However, I'll be happy enough to have him pain-free and being a happy, healthy doggie.  We'll see what we end up with down the road.

We have an appointment for suture removal on the 30th.  After they check him then, we'll know what activity levels he can handle and how to work him back up, or if therapy of any sort would be beneficial.

One day at a time.

Meg, Reilly and Jake

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