Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Christmas!

The swelling in Reilly's knee is down and pretty much back to normal after hot-packing over a couple days.  He's not showing any other signs of distress with it, and the suture line looks good, so we're thinking we're past the danger point.

The Boys all got their Christmas stockings this morning, and they were hilarious!  They each got two of those "Busy bones" that are supposed to last for hours, and some giant dog biscuits and a new toy.  Murphy always wants to just play with his BusyBone.  Jake and Reilly both love to eat about fifteen minutes.  They were hilarious, grabbing them and sneaking off to hide with them, stealing from each other, trying to stash them somewhere.  Then Reilly took several of the giant cookies, one at a time, and simply shredded them on the carpet in the office.  We'll be doing some vaccumming later, for sure. 

Reilly ended up getting too excited when Jake scarfed the last Busybone, so we had to put him back in his room, where he promptly went to sleep.

I made eggnog/pumpkin/pecan pancakes for Christmas breakfast.  The Boys were all hanging out in hopes of sharing some of those (before they got their stockings).

Yes, that is Reilly in the center.  Jake is closest to the camera, and Murphy is farthest away.  You can see some of the shaved leg of Reilly. 

Hope everyone has/had a good Christmas.

Meg, Reilly, Jake, et al.

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