Monday, December 26, 2011

Bored Puppy is bored

What do you get when a mastiff puppy catches Santa?

 A snowstorm, maybe?

Oh!  Wait!  Reilly says that wasn't some old guy's beard after all.

It's just my pillow, Mom.

And since you took it all away...

I decided to bury my chewy in my bed.

Bored Puppy did go for a ride to Georgia and back, and got loved on by my nephews and niece, all in one day.  Perhaps that will help for a few hours.

Also, I figured out that Reilly quit asking to go out some time ago, and has simply depended on the other Boys to ask and gone out with them each time.  It's apparent now because we don't want them out altogether.  It's hard to walk Reilly with the other Boys loose.  So Reilly has had a couple accidents inside, simply because he forgot how to ask, and we weren't paying attention.  We will be paying attention now, and he will re-learn how to ask.

The things you get with multiple doggies!

Only 2 1/2 weeks of incarceration to go!

Entertainment ideas for Bored Puppy would be welcome.

Meg, Bored Puppy, et al.

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