Thursday, December 29, 2011

Local vet recheck

Took Reilly to get looked at Wednesday as the seroma on his left knee just won't stay away.  It goes down with a hot pack, then comes right back.  It was larger and firmer than it has been, so we called and got a short appointment to get it checked.  Doc Kim checked him out, agreed that he doesn't have signs of infection, and called State to confirm her suggestions for care (continued hot packs alternating with cold, and gentle massage).  She also asked up to give them her email when we go up as she would like a copy of his x-rays.  She wants to see better what she should be looking for on knees. Turns out she's only seen OCD in shoulders and has not had a case in knees, which is one reason it didn't get picked up.  So she wants to fill in that education gap.

She did a quick scan of his record from State, and was amazed (and thrilled) that we went ahead and did the CT of his elbows while he was under anaesthesia.  It was cheaper to do it then than to go back through all the anaesthesia again later, not to mention easier on him.  After her comments today, I realize that I often forget the fact that we live in an area where people let their dogs run free or or leave them chained in the backyard, and they are considered disposable.  It's not uncommon to see several puppies on the side of the road where they've all been hit by a car, as the litter has never been confined.  So I'm guessing that most of her clientele would not pay to have their dog's knees fixed, but would let it remain in pain or put it down.  On the other hand, I believe that when you get a pet, it's a responsibility.  And a personality.  Not disposable.

Reilly is quickly learning again to ask to go out, although he's not so quick to poop once he gets out.  He pees like a race horse....but he also drinks more water than any dog I've ever seen.  But he doesn't poop so quickly.  But he's figured out that if he comes in and still needs to poop, to just ask to go out again, and we'll do that.

Of course, his asking right now is not subtle.  He just starts barking.  Loudly.  It gets the point across, but he's got a serious big-dog bark going on that reverberates nicely through the house.  Funny pup.  Still, he's remembering what he should do, and that's good.

Jake starts beginner obedience class in a week or so.  He already knows much of what is taught there, but it will still be good for him, and he'll go right into his CGC class.  By then, Reilly will be fully healed and ready to go back to school, too.  If it wasn't for the hurdle jumping, I'd put one of them in competition obedience, but jumping is not what they need to be doing.  I'll just find another outlet somewhere for Reilly.

Meg, Reilly, Jake et al

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