Sunday, December 18, 2011


Poor Reilly.  It wasn't fifteen minutes after my last post that he went to run down the hallway to pounce on a toy.  He spent most of the day after that in the mudroom.  He got walked frequently, and was beginning to be a bit to handle there, too.  He feels much better, he wants to play, and he doesn't understand that he can't disturb the blood clots in his knee.  They're the foundation for the repairs his body will make and they need to be solid.  So I'm working on doggie entertainment.  A peanut butter laden Kong kept him occupied for about ten minutes.  A giant size rawhide chewy is doing better, but I have to be careful with those so he doesn't pull off chunks of it.  We did let him back out this evening, as they are usually much calmer in the evening....but that lasted thirty minutes before he started getting rambunctious. 

It's going to be a long month, keeping him under control.  Well worth it, but long, long, long.  For us, and especially for him, since he can't even watch the calendar!

If anyone has any quiet doggy entertainment ideas, I'm all ears!

Meg, Reilly and Jake

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