Monday, December 19, 2011

One frustrated puppy

I wish I could explain to Reilly why he has to stay in a small area and only gets to go out on a leash.  He just doesn't understand; can't understand. 

He's got this uncanny ability, previously unknown, to mix a deep, full-throated bark with a warbling moaning cry, so that at 1:00 am when he's lonely, you aren't really sure how many dogs are in the mudroom but you decide to take them all for a walk just so they will stop.  Tonight we will try having them all sleep in our room.  That will frustrate Jake, who likes to move between the sofa and our room.  He won't like being shut in or shut out.  Currently though, Murphy and Jake are outside, Reilly is on the bed next to my computer being quiet, and it's bedtime for me.

The next month needs to go quickly, for all our sakes!

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