Friday, December 30, 2011

Sutures out today

Reilly got his sutures removed this morning.  I found it hilarious and sweet that other students who had seen him when he was in before had to come in and love on him, too.  He's a heart-stealer, for sure!

Since he had the seroma on his left knee, and was showing a small one on his right knee, the vet student who removed the sutures had him seen by the clinician on duty...who happened to be the department head.  It seems the seromas are quite common in younger dogs so not unexpected.  Reilly will be eased back into being active more slowly than we anticipated.  He wants us to continue hot packing and massage and increase his walk time slowly.  They're expecting eight weeks post surgery before he's allowed rougher activities.  He did say that some people would try to drain the seromas, but in his experience it increases the risk of infection in the joint, plus they fill back up anyway.  I've seen them drained in the past, and know that they often do fill back up, so see no sense in doing that. 

Overall, they were quite pleased with how he's healing up.  So are we. 

We have managed to get past the accidents in the house with reminders that he should ask, and immediate response from us when he does.  I'd like to modify how he asks, but that can be worked on later.  Asking is the important thing.

Jake went to knit night tonight.  I stayed for three hours this time.  Jake began on the floor at my side, and as more people came in, he slowly crawled under the table in front of my feet.  This is the perfect place for him to be, and most service dogs are trained to go under the table.  I can see a need to teach Jake to crawl on command, as he didn't know how to come out from under there.  He sat up...and banged his head on the table.  He couldn't sit up all the way and was  confused.  At home, our table is a counter height.  It allows the dogs to walk under more easily, and it's much easier for me to have the higher chairs.  Aside from that though, Jake did beautifully.  He got so comfortable that he snored, and didn't react at all when someone brought in McDonalds for several of us.  Knitnight is valuable for him to learn patience, waiting, and for getting used to having lots of strangers close by.  It will be very helpful since we have a new semester starting soon.

I intend to start going to work next week, with Jake, and going into the classrooms I'll be teaching in,  using the computers in there to do my prep work.  I'll take Jake's throw from my office, so he gets used to having his space, and waiting in there.  That should make it easier when classes start. 

Off to bed!
Meg, Reilly, Jake et al

1 comment:

  1. Oh Meg, I was just catching up on blog posts and saw about Reilly. Poor guy!
    Sending you all good thoughts!
