Thursday, December 15, 2011

Post-surgical check

Okay, they didn't get out of surgery until after 5:00, but I now have news.  Reilly did fine with the anaesthesia.  The cartilage flaps in his knees were larger than anticipated and the damage to the cartilage worse than anticipated, which is why it took so long.  They removed the flaps and smoothed the cartilage so the joints could articulate properly.  He woke without complications.  And, they had called this morning and asked if I wanted to go ahead and check his elbows while he was under, so he wouldn't have to do another bout of anaesthesia later, so they did a CT scan on his elbows too.  The person who called me this evening was not the surgeon nor the student, who was still with Reilly, but she said that a quick glance showed nothing that jumped out.  They'll give it a closer review tomorrow, but it may well be that the elbow pain was simply a result of him carrying his weight awkwardly.  I'll sleep with my fingers crossed tonight that it reads well on close examination tomorrow.

So, Chris and I will be heading back to Raleigh tomorrow afternoon to pick him up.  I'm glad that we are now between semesters, so I can spend most of my time home with him.  We'll have to rearrange some holiday plans, but that's no problem at all. 

Meg, Reilly, Jake, Murphy...and Chris.  Might as well put us all in there!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear he did well. Here's hoping you have a lovely and uneventful holiday season.
