Thursday, December 22, 2011

Never say it out loud

I should never have posted about how well things are going.  Last evening, I noticed one of Reilly's knees was swollen.  When I felt it, it was a very fluid swelling, such as when sub-que fluids are given.  But no pain, redness, heat, oozing, anything but the swelling.  Then hubby tells me that Reilly may have fallen yesterday morning.  He heard what sounded like a fall, but didn't see it.

So,, I called the ER line at State, and the on-call vet called me back.  After a discussion and a lot of questions and answers, she suggested hot-packing it over night and her calling back this morning.  So, we hot packed it, and kept Reilly confined.  Chris spent a good deal of the night in the mudroom with him.  Reilly wanted to play, however, and Chris is not very good at just telling him to down-stay, so little hot-packing happened after I went to bed.  However, the swelling is down markedly this morning, and no new symptoms have appeared.  The doc was thinking it sounded like a seroma, which would not be a dreadful thing.

Last night he bent his right knee to pee, but stretched the left one.  This morning he is again bending both, so that's a good sign.

I'll let you know....

Meg, Reilly and Jake

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