Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Did I say bored?

Seriously bored.

The dog bed is now completely history, and he shredded the beach towel I put down on the carpet, too.  Chris just took shoes away from him.  Reverting to confinement has reverted him to acting like a teething puppy.  Sigh.  Nothing to do but watch him closely and remind him how he's supposed to behave.  And keep giving him toys to play with and things he's allowed to destroy.  Every day we get through is an accomplishment.  And he'll be happy to get some freedom back at the end of it.  If we all survive it!

It's made me remember all the things I would get into as a child when I was kept home sick.  And when my son, Joe, was hospitalized at one year old, he tried to dismantle the hospital bed, piece by piece.  Healing puppies are very similar to healing children.  He feels better and doesn't want to be confined.  Sutures out on Friday!

Today Jake escorted me to my knitnight group, and was a perfect gentleman.  He is learning the Invisible Dog trick so well that one woman came in, walked past us to a seat, and later in the evening when he was mentioned, it took her by surprise.  He'd been beside my chair the entire time.  He will begin getting off-farm practice at least every-other day until spring semester starts up; then every day.  And his obedience class begins on Jan 3rd.

We're getting there.  We're taking a different route than the one I planned, but the scenic route is good, too.

Meg, Reilly, Jake et al

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