Friday, December 16, 2011

I forgot the funny part....

I forgot to tell you the funny part about our initial meeting with Dr. Marcellin.

We we got there, he began by directing his conversation to my husband.  About halfway through the physical, he wanted Reilly to lie back down on the floor.  I was seated in the only chair in the room with arms, kinda in the corner.  Chris was in another chair, off to my right.  The student was standing on the other side of the room.  Dr. M. was on the floor in front of me, with Reilly sitting in front of me, facing towards Susan.  Yeah, kinda crowded right in front of me.

Dr. M. tried to get Reilly to lie down.  Susan added her voice.  Chris did also.  Reilly sat there.  I got up, despite the Dr. telling me they'd manage and to stay seated.  I walked in front of them so Reilly could focus on me, and simply told him, "Reilly, Down."  He did.  (All the lovely hours at obedience school paid off nicely there.)  They all stared at me, although Chris chuckled and and commented that Reilly knew who the boss was.

After that point, all Dr. M's comments were directed at me.

I guess he assumed that a mastiff was a guy dog, and didn't realize that Reilly was MY dog.  Once he did, he immediately changed his approach.  I must applaud him for paying attention to such details.  But it was funny!

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