Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I now have a referral for Reilly for the state teaching vet school, but our appointment is not until December 14th.  In the meantime my vet is refilling the anti-inflammatories and pain meds.

I also had a discussion with Doc Kim when she called me back about the referral.  I gave her my opinion of the other vet. After thinking it over for a few days, I realized that what I didn't like was simply that her tone was accusatory and condescending.  Doc Kim or Doc Julie would have perhaps questioned me about why I chose not to neuter at this young age, and after I explained, either would have asked me for a research source they could look up.  Neither would have used that pompous tone.  Doc Kim was unhappy, but at least we discovered that the person I saw was NOT her new hire, but rather a relief vet called in for the Thanksgiving break.  Both of us were relieved to hear that.  I have yet to meet her new hire, but I'll make a point of it soon.

In the meantime, Reilly is doing okay as long as he's on the meds.  He avoids the steeper steps to the carport, as he loses his balance trying to come up those.  Instead I bring him in the back door, where my husband has built half steps for me.  I can't get up the carport steps either!

Since I'm not working Reilly right now, but have paid for his obedience class, I emailed and asked permission to substitute Jake for the few remaining classes, just to see how he'd do in such a situation.  He was actually pretty awesome.  I think I've misjudged his intelligence level!  I wasn't going to start working with him until Reilly got a good start, but since Reilly can't work currently, I'll be spending more time working Jake.  If I could end up with two working dogs from all of this, so that neither had to work all the time, but each got time off, and Murphy was never left alone...that would be just about perfect.

Anna, thanks for the well-wishes.  I've been pretty swamped with work and doggies, and limited on my stamina due to meds, but the semester is nearly over, so you'll see me back in Rav soon!  I'm glad someone missed me!

Meg and Reilly


  1. Hi, Meg, I've missed you from Rav, too, but haven't been online much in the last week. Went to visit the grandbaby for Thanksgiving :) Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that Reilly is having more problems with his legs, and I hope things resolve without any drastic interventions. And I hope the new vet hire is wonderful and knows something about large breeds! At least the end of the semester is near, right?


  2. What a relief to hear that the condescending vet wasn't the new hire! I hope you'll like her when you meet her, and that her knowledge will be pertinent to the boys.

    Miss you. Hang on, the semester's alllmost over...
