Sunday, August 7, 2011

Swimming pool and demands

Reilly has decided that the swimming pool is his new best friend.  Every time he goes out unattended, even for a couple minutes, he's likely to come back wet.  We're getting lots of towel practice! 

He's also being very demanding today.  He's barking peremptorily to demand a treat, to demand to be helped onto the sofa, to demand we stop what we're doing and pet him.  He's being very disappointed that his demands are not being met, and if he gets insistent and can't be distracted with a toy, he's invited to go outside.  I'm countering that with an occasional treat when he's being quiet.  He's also able to eat dried sweet potatoes now without them gumming up his mouth and sticking his teeth together like they did a few weeks ago.  He thinks they're pretty good things to get!

Chris and I went to Raleigh today for a gun show and some shopping.  Since I'm getting a new leg brace soon that goes from top of my thigh to under my foot, I'll be unable to wear jeans or slacks, and therefore I need more skirts to wear to work.  (It's a good thing I wore a skirt often when Reilly arrived, just to teach him not to pull on them, else I'd have a very large puppy ripping hems soon!)  We left the house about 9:00am, and didn't get back until nearly 4:00 pm.  Reilly was a good boy while we were gone.  He peed only on his paper, and didn't poop in the house during the entire time!  He also didn't eat, but once he went out and pottied, he went straight to the big boy bowls to eat.  Same food.  Same type and size of bowl.  I don't get it. 

When we got home, Chris took the time to build a new half-step for he step into the mudroom where I have a tendency to fall.  It's a solid step, and will make things easier and safer for me.  When I put Reilly to bed, I asked Chris if he'd sprayed it with the bitters.  He hadn't, so he came to do so.  When we got back to the mudroom, Reilly already had his teeth in it!  There's something about wood he likes.  I haven't been able to get him interested in anything else.  Yet.  I'm working on it!

I've decided that even though he's really not being formally trained just yet, I need to set up a training log for him.  The easiest way for me to do that is to start another blog, and then just have a link here.  So I'll work on that sometime this week.  That'll really make me look at how much time is spent working with Reilly, as opposed to how much he's learning.

Tomorrow is our 30th wedding anniversary, so we will be abandoning the Boys again for a large part of the day.  Poor guys.  It's a warm up for me going back to work. 

The camera is charged now, but no pictures for you today.  I'll try to get pool pictures tomorrow.  :)

Meg and Reilly

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