Tuesday, August 9, 2011

You're right...

...I didn't post yesterday.  We returned from our anniversary outing tired.  After letting all the doggies out and taking care of chores, I got my camera to take pictures...and the card had died.  I gathered enough energy to go get a new one, but not enough to take any pictures.  We simply sat and watched the dogs.  They were all wanting people attention after us being gone all day.  Both Murphy and Jake wanted on the sofa with Chris.  Then of course Reilly wanted up too.  But he's only allowed up there with me currently, and not with the big dogs, as he pesters them.  He can reach them now, so he was pestering Murphy.  Murphy calmly got off the sofa, went and got a squeaky toy, dropped it at Reilly's feet, and when he started playing with it, went back to Chris for more attention.  A little while later I had to take something away from him, and replaced it with a rope to play with.  He loves ropes.  Murphy watched intently.  An hour later, when Reilly was being a pest again, Murph went into the next room, got a rope, and came back to drop it on Reilly's head.  "Here, Little Boy, take this and go play somewhere else."  You could almost hear him say it.t

I think Reilly is staying up a lot during the night, and doing more sleeping during the day than perhaps he should.  It's a catch-22 though.  Do I wake him up and thereby increase his exercise, which could be bad for his legs?  Or let him sleep during the day and play in his room at night?  He has few accidents during the day, even when we're gone.  Both Sunday and  Monday he had no poo in the house while we were out...but he'll have two during the night, usually.  I know part of that is being free-fed, and I could...and perhaps should...take his food up at night, but I think I'll wait to work on that until we get some answers on the legs.  If he were over-eating, which might make the leg issue worse, I'd consider putting him (and by default all of them) on meals, but I'd rather not.  He's staying a good lean size on his own meal plan.  But I will remain open to changing my mind.

Today was my first day back at work, as fall semester starts up next week.  I'm not feeling mentally ready to go back yet.  Usually I'm raring to go by now.  I'd rather stay home with Reilly for starters!  Also, I've deteriorated more this summer than in any short period of time, and am having to use two sticks to get around safely rather than just one.  I hate getting the questions and looks it brings.  One thing about dogs...they don't care.

When I came home today, I let all the dogs out to go potty for 10 minutes.  Reilly came back covered in mud.  He went for a dip in the pool, and then it seems he did some digging.  Since I still don't have that new SD card actually IN my camera, I cannot show you.  But, mastiffs brush off after they dry, and in a short while there was nothing to see.  Tomorrow is bath day, so any residue will leave then.  After he came in...he pooped in the house.  So he spent his potty time playing and saved the poo for indoors.  Gotta love it.  He knows his time outdoors is limited; he just doesn't know why.  But he came in, went back to sleep, and really only woke up a few minutes ago.  I have nothing to report today because he's slept through the whole thing!

I think I'll be checking with the vet on Thursday about exactly how much exercise he can have.  I'd like to do some formal training sessions, plus he starts puppy school on Sept 6th.  I need to see how that'll fit in.  If we have to wait until the next class, that will be a serious issue, as he'll be too big for me to physically maneuver.  I guess it'll be another thing to play by ear.

Back to work in the morning.  That's the best time to work with Reilly too, when he's a bit tired from doing chores.  It'll all work out though.  I'll just keeping on solidifying the words he knows already, and hold off on anything new until I know how much we can work.

I'll get the card in the camera.

Meg and Reilly

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