Thursday, August 18, 2011

Back to work for real now

Today was the first day of class for me, although the rest of campus actually started classes yesterday.  I needed to check out handicapped parking availability, as it alters dramatically each semester, so I needed to go in earlier than scheduled.  I left the house at 7:00.  Chris was still doing his chores, so although I got Reilly's room squared away before I left, he's actually the one who settled him into his room for the day.  He also beat me home, as I didn't leave work until after 6:00 pm.  I've got to condense my time as much as possible so Reilly doesn't get left any more than necessary.  He's extraordinarily good at self-entertaining.  In fact, I've never seen a puppy so good at keeping himself occupied, but he shouldn't have to any more than necessary.  I left him two different peanut butter Kongs this morning, along with his toys. 

I've taken his bed away from him, as he was using it for a urinal at night and during the day.  No matter how much I wash it, I just can't get enough scent out of it, and the washer is breaking down the foam.  So Reilly is getting a pile of towels each night as a bed.  I can pick up all the towels and toss them int he wash easily enough, and he likes towels on the hardwood floor in the other rooms.  Of course, since I switched to the towel pile, he hasn't peed on it a single time.  The scent on the bed must have just been too much to resist.  If I could find the right formula of Nature's Miracle around here, it might be easier, but I haven't.  Other than night-time and when we're gone, he has only very rare indoor accidents now.  Still, he hasn't learned to ask appropriately.  He's trying to do some seriously heavy barking the last couple days which may be a request to go out, but that isn't going to be an acceptable way to ask when working so we can not respond to it and encourage it.  Still working on the bells for this.  I wish he'd watch Murphy's example, but not yet.  We've got lots of time, though.  No rush. 

After taking carrots away, cleaning up as quickly as possible, and other evasion tactics...Reilly is still eating his poo at night and while we're gone.  I've been taking his bowl up at night now.  But I've been reduced to trying the brewers yeast/cayenne pills sold to stop this behavior.  We'll see how they work.  I hope they do well!

His new vest came in yesterday.  I thought I'd measured pretty well and chosen one where he was at the smaller end of the measurement range, but it won't be too long before he's outgrown this one too.   I'll need to find a place to donate these as he outgrows them.  With the patches removed or changed out, they can be used for many things.  I'm going to get the patches on tonight so he can test it tomorrow on our park walk.

Coming back to add.....I was hoping to get the patches on and take photos tonight, but I can barely keep my eyes open after today, so it's not happening.  Sorry.

Meg and Reilly

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