Saturday, August 27, 2011


It's official!  Reilly went to the door, asked to go out with the tiniest of whines, then went straight out to poop when I let him out!  Yay!  He's figuring it out.  We are moving from us being trained to get him outside, to him being trained to ask to go outside.  Awesome!

We went to the park this morning about 5:45.  Jake got to go too.  Chris and Jake went in one direction and Reilly and I went in another, on our short path we had identified.  Although Reilly wanted to do a bit of playing, trying to eat the leash to start with, mostly he walked like a gentleman.  About halfway around, I went off the path into the grass and told him he should go potty...and he did!  He hadn't been showing any signs of wanting to stop or pee, but he went anyway.

And this evening he asked to go out to poop.

I think we've had a good elimination day!

Oh!  And the don't-eat-your-poop pills seem to be working.  He hasn't eaten his poop since his second day on them.  The pills are by Four Paws, and they're called Potty Mouth.  Based on Brewer's yeast and cayenne pepper, with some B vitamins and some minerals.  Tastes good going in, but not coming out.  I found them at the local pet shop.  I had hopes but no expectations.  I've never used such a thing before, but I'm pleased with them.

I'm glad I went ahead and got a proper vest for him.  If nothing else, it's helping him understand the difference between serious/work time, and play time.  When he's not wearing the vest, it's playtime.  When I put it on him, it's time to settle down and pay attention.  Of course, at his age he is only wearing it in short spurts.  He's got a great attention span for a puppy, but he's still a puppy and I need to make sure he gets plenty of play breaks.  His walk is the longest he wears the vest; the sessions we have at home are short.  And the informal stuff I don't vest him for.

I've given him back his carrots as the true test of poop eating, and I'm happy to say he gets to keep his carrots.  He's happy.  I'm happy.  It matters not to him what kind of treat the big dogs get, if he can only have a carrot!  We also make sure to give Reilly his treat last.  Jake and Murphy always get theirs first.  And all dogs wait until the humans have eaten before they get a mealtime treat.  Reasons?  Enforcing hierarchy in the household.  People eat first, because we're the bosses.  Reilly eats last, because he's at the bottom of the pecking order.  As a pack, the pups would eat last, so that puts him there automatically.  But I want him there also because he's going to get bigger than both the other boys.  I would like to discourage challenges later.  But the other reason I put him last, is that he gets practice waiting.  All the boys know they don't get anything during our meals, never anything in the dining room, and begging is a huge no-no.  When our meal is over and we take things back to the kitchen, then they can ask if there's anything they can have.  If there are doggie-appropriate leftovers, they will get a couple bites.   If not, a dog biscuit or carrot.  Starting Reilly off knowing to be patient when we eat, that he has to get his food in a certain place and no place else, and all the other rules, will make it easier later to teach him that he's not sharing in a restaurant.  He'll get fed only where his bowl appears, which will be home and work mostly, with occasional homes we visit.  His bowls, not strange bowls.  And only food from me or from Chris.  Everything I can do to make him less likely to expect food when we're out will be helpful.  At this point, he waits until the big boys have their breakfast bowls before he gets his carrots, and he waits nicely.  He doesn't try to interfere with them. If they get a treat, everyone is required to sit for it, and he waits nicely until the big Boys have gotten theirs.  It's going well so far.  He also understands that I can take his bowl away, give it back, play with his food...and he doesn't have an issue with it, just like the others don't. 

I'll be finishing this tomorrow, as I'm just wiped out.  Long day and more new medications... it's time to sleep.

Meg and Reilly

Okay...not tomorrow.  But I'm back today.  I had lost the camera, so couldn't take a new photo, plus we were tightening down for the hurricane.  It just sideswiped us, with no more damage than a bad thunderstorm would have done.  Looks ugly for those further north, though.

Here's your new photo.  I realized that most of them are in the kitchen.  I didn't realize how much time I spend there!  Of course, I am not using my sticks in there either, so it's easier to pick up the camera.  Maybe if I hang it around my neck instead of pocketing it when I'm out I could use it better.

Edited because a good chunk of this post disappeared...again!

Reilly is showing more signs of leg issues.  His front feet are rolling inwards now after correcting from growing outwards.  And his hindquaters are weak.  He has trouble getting up, no matter what surface he's on, he bunny-hops up and down the two steps into the house, and he wobbles.  I'm not spazzing...(I'm also on a lower dose of prednisone!) I'm inclined to remain positive, but will make sure it gets monitored.  He has a routine appointment this week, so I'll have him checked well.  I'm glad we did the x-rays before.  This visit will finish his puppy shots, but I'll be setting up appointments just to check his legs out.  I'll discuss with the vets how often we should do this.  He's on a lower calcium food than he was before, so that should help.  And this does come in spurts, as does his you can see from the picture!

I think with my work schedule I may be cutting these posts to weekly, or twice a week.  That's pretty much what I'm managing anyway, so I should make it official.

Meg and Reilly

1 comment:

  1. Yay for working no-poop pills. I found them on Amazon and will be ordering when it starts snowing. My Agatha has a winter frozen tootsie roll habit that is truly disgusting and these should help.

    One thing I did with both my girls is the on-leash go potty command. I did it for showing, you want them to go before the ring (not in the ring) and it works great even off leash for Agatha. Taffy has a mind of her own but will do it as long as she gets to walk a bit first. Best thing ever since when we travel I can leash them up, get them to go quickly if we need to and we can get back on the road.

    I love watching all your progress with Reilly.
