Sunday, September 4, 2011

By Jove, I think he's got it!

I think the potty training has finally clicked in Reilly's head.  He's had no accidents indoors except on paper when we're gone or at night.  He's asking to go out consistently now.  And when headed back indoors after being out a while, he'll stop to pee before he goes in, which takes some thinking ahead. 

I do have to watch him chewing.  He'll just absently gnaw on things, including my Louet Victoria spinning wheel!  I don't think he even realizes he's doing it; it's an absent-minded thing.  I just have to keep an eye on him and replace whatever he's mouthing with something more appropriate.  Another thing he'll outgrow.

Speaking of outgrowing, his front legs are still looking good, and his hind legs are giving him the growing pains that he experienced earlier with the front.  He just occasionally cries, or obviously can't get comfortable.  It's not continuous though; intermittent only.  Makes it hard to decide to give him something for it.  There's no sense in medicating him continuously.  It will only make him build resistance to painkillers.  And the episodes of discomfort seem to be fairly short.  Or else he's pretty stoic, which is also possible.  At this point it's wait and watch all over again.

He had a vet visit on Thursday last.  Weighed in at 48.6 pounds, had his legs looked over and a dietary discussion.  Since the vet who had been looking at him (Doc Julie) got recalled into the military and deployed, we saw our regular vet, Doc Kim.  She's been having some discussions with a Great Dane breeder about the growth issues in giant breeds.  After some time of breeding/feeding puppies, this breeder has come to the reluctant conclusion that the better quality dog foods are actually a detriment to raising giant breed puppies.  Since their growth needs to be slowed, but still remain even, it's this breeder's opinion that giant breed puppies will grow better on poorer quality feeds...even something as pathetic as Ole Roy.  Although I can see his point, and certainly understand his reluctance to reach that conclusion, my insides twist at feeding something like that to a dog I love.  We have decided to do a compromise of sorts, though.  When Reilly is confined to his room while we're gone, he'll only have access to a regular commercial dog food...Pedigree large breed.  It's actually what Murphy and Jake got before Murph developed some food issues.  They won't eat out of Reilly's bowl, so I don't have to worry about Murph eating it.  Reilly will eat out of their bowls though, so he is eating the grain-free food when we're home.  So his diet is split, with half the grocery store feed and half the better quality grain-free feed.  We'll see what, if anything, that does for him. 

We start puppy school this Tuesday.  I do, anyway.  Reilly doesn't get to go the first day.  Just me.  I have to learn the rules, get his shot records checked, and all that stuff.

In the meantime, Reilly is excellent sitting on command.  He knows "come" well, too.  (I did try to convert to here but failed miserably.)  He also knows "wait", and is fairly strong with it as well.  We've been working on "down" lately.  He knows what I want, but doesn't do it unless my hand goes down and has a treat in it.  We'll keep working on it.  The class will be covering the same commands,  but he'll be learning to do them while there are all sorts of distractions around him.  Other puppies.  Other people.  Other people talking to their puppies.  Huge distractions.  He's good at leaving things to come to me at home, but these will be new distractions, so will be really good for him to be exposed to.

I've misplaced my camera again.  I need to find that thing and hang it around my neck and leave it there.  You really need to see Reilly's feet.  They're bigger than Murphy's, and maybe even Jake's.  If he grows into his feet and ears he's going to be huge.  He's also starting to develop flews...hanging lips.  We'll see how hangy-faced he gets to be.

Meg and Reilly


  1. Hi Meg,

    We have the other "Rylie!" She is growing so fast! Your Reilly is gorgeous! His color is turning out so it! I think he is the darkest of the apricots. Rylie was 38# on August 17th, so I'm estimating that she may be close to 50# by now. She starts puppy school next Sunday.
    Funny you should mention the "flews"...Rylie has some too...I've already seen slingers and she leaves PUDDLES when she drinks!
    Can't wait to see new pics!

  2. Shannon, sounds like they're pacing each other on weight. Reilly does the "waterfall mouth" when he drinks. He'll have to pack hand towels when we start working! I keep them in the car now, so when he gets drinks I can wipe his face. He definitely darkening up, but I don't think he'll get the shade Jake is. He's still a lovely color.
    I found the camera buried under all my work stuff on the dining table, so I'll get some more pictures.
    Nice to "meet" you!

  3. Great update! Can't wait to see you and Reilly again!

  4. I told my hubby the other day that I think I'm gonna have to break down and buy some "waterhog" mats from L.L. Bean to soak up some of this water! Constantly on my hands and knees wiping the floor is getting old real fast! lol!
    I think our Rylie has gotten darker as she has gotten older, but I don't know if she'll be as dark as Lucy.
    Good to "meet" you too!

