Sunday, September 25, 2011

Trying new things

Chris went to Boone for the weekend to go to an Appalachian State University home football game with our son.  So, a rare weekend night with him gone.  His work often takes him out of town during the week, but not weekends.  I took the opportunity to see how Reilly did loose during the night, rather than in his room.  I wanted to see if he'd wake me up to go outside or not.  So, he was loose, and I put down no paper.

He definitely woke me up.  His way of doing that was to run whining into the bedroom, and leap.  He can't jump all the way up onto the bed, as it's high.  But his front end landed square on the spot where Chris sleeps.  It's a good thing he wasn't there!  Reilly was all happy that I understood he wanted out.  I'll have a talk with Chris about switching sides of the bed temporarily and see if that works better.  We can give it a shot next weekend and see, if he's agreeable.  Hopefully it won't be too long before Reilly can hold it all night, but in the meantime, if he will wake me to go out it will mean less cleaning up in the morning.

I have been slack this week on puppy training.  We've only done bits and pieces, instead of set sessions.  Had too many appointments and long days, and have been prepping for a visit from my parents, who should be arriving in a couple hours.  Got my brace repaired...again...and it quit working within hours of the repair...again.  I've had the new KAFO brace for over a month, and have worn it maybe a couple days, total.  A very expensive waste of money, and dangerous to boot.  I'll be having a discussion with the neurologist about it at my next appointment.   At any rate, puppy training is slower this week.  He does whatever I ask, with the exception of the "down" command.  He insists on food for that, and the hand going all the way to the ground.  We do need to work on transitioning to him responding to the command only.

Later in the day...
I had intended to come write more, but with my parents here I haven't had much opportunity.  I'll check in mid-week, if I can.  I have three exams to write, so am not sure how much free time I'll have.

Meg and Reilly

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