Friday, March 16, 2012

Update on Jake

I didn't take Jake to work Wednesday, as the evening prior was so traumatic for him.  And we both stayed home Thursday, and I did prep at home, while I still ate a lot of Motrin and ached.  So today was the first time I asked him to get in a car, to go to work.  For the first time ever, he didn't want to get in.

I didn't force him.  I took his harness off (he had been eager to put that on!) and let him stay home.  But this evening, I bribed him into the car with treats, and took him to knit night.  He loves knit night, as everyone wants to take turns loving him up.  But when we went to leave, there was a car parked quite close to my car again.  However, it was a normal car, and it wasn't running.  Jake moved between the cars a bit hesitantly, but not too bad.  When I opened the front door, he automatically moved around so I could open the back door, and was actually in a hurry to get in.  He got lots of treats for doing so.  Perhaps there will be no lasting effects of Tuesday night, other than to my brace! 

In the meantime, Reilly had a recheck at the vet for the prolapsed urethra and urinary crystal issue.  The prolapse is down, which is good.  We opted to go ahead and do a full urinary check, so she sent urine off rather than do it in-house.  We'll see what the results are when it all comes back.  His breeder sent me some links to alternative information on the special food, but I haven't had time to do more than skim it.  Hopefully we can find something solid to try.  But, he's a happy guy.  He was so funny at the vet.  He had urinated that morning, of course, and really didn't have anything else to offer when we got there, so they asked to keep him for the day so they could get urine.  I told them he will go on command, and figured it'd just be a couple hours.  At 4:00 pm, I called them, because I know they try to close at 5:00.  He had been walked hourly, but no urine!  So I zipped over there, and walked him myself, with one of the techs following with the catch pan.  We went to the grass, I told him to go...and he did.  He just needed the right inflection in the potty command, I guess.  They were shaking their heads over him.  But he was very well-behaved while we waited in the lobby for our turn to check out.  He did a nice down-stay, while other dogs were walking past him, pulling their owners about.  But he did break his down-stay when a child came in.  All my dogs love "people puppies".  He was trying to reach her, and I was telling him no.  But the girl's mom said something to her, and she came and asked if she could pet him.  She got an enthusiastic response from us both.  Reilly loved getting attention from her!

So, this is where we stand on the Boys right now.

Meg, Jake and Reilly

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