Saturday, August 27, 2011


It's official!  Reilly went to the door, asked to go out with the tiniest of whines, then went straight out to poop when I let him out!  Yay!  He's figuring it out.  We are moving from us being trained to get him outside, to him being trained to ask to go outside.  Awesome!

We went to the park this morning about 5:45.  Jake got to go too.  Chris and Jake went in one direction and Reilly and I went in another, on our short path we had identified.  Although Reilly wanted to do a bit of playing, trying to eat the leash to start with, mostly he walked like a gentleman.  About halfway around, I went off the path into the grass and told him he should go potty...and he did!  He hadn't been showing any signs of wanting to stop or pee, but he went anyway.

And this evening he asked to go out to poop.

I think we've had a good elimination day!

Oh!  And the don't-eat-your-poop pills seem to be working.  He hasn't eaten his poop since his second day on them.  The pills are by Four Paws, and they're called Potty Mouth.  Based on Brewer's yeast and cayenne pepper, with some B vitamins and some minerals.  Tastes good going in, but not coming out.  I found them at the local pet shop.  I had hopes but no expectations.  I've never used such a thing before, but I'm pleased with them.

I'm glad I went ahead and got a proper vest for him.  If nothing else, it's helping him understand the difference between serious/work time, and play time.  When he's not wearing the vest, it's playtime.  When I put it on him, it's time to settle down and pay attention.  Of course, at his age he is only wearing it in short spurts.  He's got a great attention span for a puppy, but he's still a puppy and I need to make sure he gets plenty of play breaks.  His walk is the longest he wears the vest; the sessions we have at home are short.  And the informal stuff I don't vest him for.

I've given him back his carrots as the true test of poop eating, and I'm happy to say he gets to keep his carrots.  He's happy.  I'm happy.  It matters not to him what kind of treat the big dogs get, if he can only have a carrot!  We also make sure to give Reilly his treat last.  Jake and Murphy always get theirs first.  And all dogs wait until the humans have eaten before they get a mealtime treat.  Reasons?  Enforcing hierarchy in the household.  People eat first, because we're the bosses.  Reilly eats last, because he's at the bottom of the pecking order.  As a pack, the pups would eat last, so that puts him there automatically.  But I want him there also because he's going to get bigger than both the other boys.  I would like to discourage challenges later.  But the other reason I put him last, is that he gets practice waiting.  All the boys know they don't get anything during our meals, never anything in the dining room, and begging is a huge no-no.  When our meal is over and we take things back to the kitchen, then they can ask if there's anything they can have.  If there are doggie-appropriate leftovers, they will get a couple bites.   If not, a dog biscuit or carrot.  Starting Reilly off knowing to be patient when we eat, that he has to get his food in a certain place and no place else, and all the other rules, will make it easier later to teach him that he's not sharing in a restaurant.  He'll get fed only where his bowl appears, which will be home and work mostly, with occasional homes we visit.  His bowls, not strange bowls.  And only food from me or from Chris.  Everything I can do to make him less likely to expect food when we're out will be helpful.  At this point, he waits until the big boys have their breakfast bowls before he gets his carrots, and he waits nicely.  He doesn't try to interfere with them. If they get a treat, everyone is required to sit for it, and he waits nicely until the big Boys have gotten theirs.  It's going well so far.  He also understands that I can take his bowl away, give it back, play with his food...and he doesn't have an issue with it, just like the others don't. 

I'll be finishing this tomorrow, as I'm just wiped out.  Long day and more new medications... it's time to sleep.

Meg and Reilly

Okay...not tomorrow.  But I'm back today.  I had lost the camera, so couldn't take a new photo, plus we were tightening down for the hurricane.  It just sideswiped us, with no more damage than a bad thunderstorm would have done.  Looks ugly for those further north, though.

Here's your new photo.  I realized that most of them are in the kitchen.  I didn't realize how much time I spend there!  Of course, I am not using my sticks in there either, so it's easier to pick up the camera.  Maybe if I hang it around my neck instead of pocketing it when I'm out I could use it better.

Edited because a good chunk of this post disappeared...again!

Reilly is showing more signs of leg issues.  His front feet are rolling inwards now after correcting from growing outwards.  And his hindquaters are weak.  He has trouble getting up, no matter what surface he's on, he bunny-hops up and down the two steps into the house, and he wobbles.  I'm not spazzing...(I'm also on a lower dose of prednisone!) I'm inclined to remain positive, but will make sure it gets monitored.  He has a routine appointment this week, so I'll have him checked well.  I'm glad we did the x-rays before.  This visit will finish his puppy shots, but I'll be setting up appointments just to check his legs out.  I'll discuss with the vets how often we should do this.  He's on a lower calcium food than he was before, so that should help.  And this does come in spurts, as does his you can see from the picture!

I think with my work schedule I may be cutting these posts to weekly, or twice a week.  That's pretty much what I'm managing anyway, so I should make it official.

Meg and Reilly

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Catching up

I'm letting more time get between these posts than I'd like.  I think I just need to get up earlier and post then, instead of trying to save enough energy to post at the end of the day.  An extra 15 minutes should do it.

We went for our morning walk on Friday, and I discovered an ugly truth.  During our break from walking...the day/night time length shifted.  So walking at 5:30 is no longer at dawn.  There are street lights at the park if I stay on the path, but not for the walk around the ball field.  There were two sections with so little light I had a hard time going through safely.  So we can't take that path again.  We'll be walking this morning after dawn, and I'll check out where the lights run so I can plan a new path.

Reilly is walking better on his leash again, although he's easily distracted by people and other animals...of course!  He's an inquisitive puppy!  The puppy obedience class we start next month will work on that. 

His legs are continuing to behave.  Sometimes I think that they are overcompensating, with the radius growing faster than the ulna, but the next time I look, not so much.  I'm keeping my paranoia on a leash, and we'll re-evaluate next vet visit.  As I slowly drop the dose of the prednisone, it's doing weird things to me.  I'll be really glad when I'm completely off this stuff.  It'll be months yet, as you must come off it slowly.  In the meantime, I try to recognize the emotional hoohaw for its source, and let it go.  Sometimes I can.

I mentioned the other day that Reilly's new vest came in.  Thought you'd like to see it.  (Yes, I know...more pictures!)

There are two patches on each side.  The top one says "Working dog; Do Not Pet".  The second says,  "Service Puppy in Training."  There are flat zipper pouches on either side.  He'll outgrow that vest before he'll ever really use those packs.  He shouldn't pack weight until he's mature...and we're talking 18 months at least.  However, he'll be packing things before then.  Not weight, but bulk.  A hand towel or crumbled paper, just so he gets used to the bulk on his back.  Possibly empty water bottles hung on the pack, although he'd need two to balance it, even empty.  And he needs to be taller for that.  Same principle as wearing the vest at all; getting used to having something there.  But no weight.  Once he's mature, he'll be able to carry up to 20% of his body weight in a properly distributed pack.  If he's also balancing me, that drops to 10%.  He should mature somewhere around 200 pounds.  So he could theoretically balance me and carry 20 pounds.  I can't imagine putting that much weight on him.  Even if he carried my books from my office to class each day, they wouldn't be nearly that much.  We aren't close enough to a store to walk down and shop and have him carry stuff home.  And I'm not up for hiking.  So eventually he'll carry my classroom material 100 feet down the hall, and outside he'll carry his water, his face and feet towels, collapsible water bowl, poop bags, and maybe my keys and wallet.  The pair of water bottles will be his biggest weight.  I do want him to learn to pull a cart, though.  It'll be good training for later, when I'm in a wheelchair.  Service dogs often pull wheelchairs, and mastiffs were bred, in part, as draft animals.  I've seen Golden Retrievers pulling chairs, which is asking a bit much of a small dog, I think.  I doubt I'll have much call for doing it myself, but at least this is flat country.  I'd really like him to be able to in case of emergency; I'm going to need an electric chair, so it shouldn't be needed as a routine thing.  Only when the chair breaks down.  I expect it to break.  I got my new, high-speed, expensive KAFO (knee-ankle-foot orthotic leg brace) on Wednesday, and it wasn't working properly by Friday.  Now it must be sent in for repairs.  And I must be careful not to fall in the meantime.  The more moving parts something has, the more likely it is to break....

Chris and I went to look at sofas briefly yesterday.  We need more furniture for the doggies.  (Yes, we know.  We are not normal.)  Chris and the Big Boys like to curl up on the loveseat.  This gives me no place to curl up with Reilly.  He and I must make it a point to snuggle at a different time than the others, and it doesn't always fit in our schedule!  He will fit in my lap in my chair, but I have a seat assist lift on that chair, and when I lean forward to help him up, I get ejected.  If I sit in Chris' chair, I can't get up by myself.  So, a new sofa.  A new, firm sofa.  I'll need to move my lift onto it, and it'll be better firm.  Not to mention easier for the doggies.  I'll take pictures of the furniture we already have and we'll go look again today.  Now I just need to make room for it.  Two rocking chairs must leave.  My antique Empire rocker will go to the guest room, but the other one just has to leave the house.  I can't sit in them anymore anyway, but I do so love a rocking chair.  Oh, well.  Once we have both loveseat and sofa, all dogs and people can lounge in comfort, and Reilly and I can have more snuggle time.

headspace for going under.  So, if anyone has a good source for a dog mat like what I need, I'm all ears!

We've been putting Reilly's treasure hunting to good use.  He's getting practice bringing me things all the time.  He's brought me shoes, a door stop, toys, a pencil, sticks, and sundry other things.  Friday night, I got out a tennis ball and tossed it down the hall.  He had ignored them pretty much when he had them unsupervised when he was little.  As he got older, they were taken away.  Suddenly, he's finding them fun to chase, and bring back to me.  So we got our exercise fetching a tennis ball tossed down the hallway.  Did a little of that last night, too.  Then I take the ball and put it away.  He's too big now, and can hide the whole ball in his mouth.  If I leave him with it, he could try to swallow it or something else foolish.  So, no tennis balls unless directly supervised.  The Boys have several soccer balls to play with outside, though.  We go through soccer balls.  They like to carry them around, play keep-away, and just play soccer with them.  But carrying them eventually deflates them, and we go buy a couple more.  They will entertain themselves and each other for hours with soccer balls.  We should buy stock in a company that makes soccer balls.

9:15 pm:

Today Reilly stood at the door for the first time, as if he was asking to go out.  The next time I invited him out by ringing the bell, he came and helped me ring it.  And he just did that again, when Murphy rang to go out.  He and I got there about the same time, and he reached for the bell the same time I did.  I think it may have clicked for him today...we'll see if it maintains through tomorrow, since it's a long work day for me.  Chris will beat me home, but he doesn't always remember the bells.  He re-hung them by all doors today though, so perhaps he'll remember them better now!

Reilly has also been really into the pool today.  Just about every time he's gone out, he's run to get in the pool.  Good practice on getting toweled off, and good practice on going to his room when told, since that's where the towels are.  We don't have carpet, so if he comes in the carport door, he can walk to the mudroom over hard floors, easily cleaned up.  As long as he goes straight there, it's not a problem.  Running through the house on the way would be more problematic, but he likes his room.  He gets treats there.  So he goes when he's told to and hopes for a treat.

So far, the anti-poop-eating pills seem to be working...or he's had little opportunity to eat his poop...or a combination of the preceding.  Despite the fact that they're brewer's yeast and cayenne pepper, he loves them.  He considers them his morning treat now, and he gets them as soon as we go out in the morning.  He'll be disappointed when we stop them!  But, no poop eating happening.  For two whole days now!  Let's hope the trend continues.

Meg and Reilly

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Back to work for real now

Today was the first day of class for me, although the rest of campus actually started classes yesterday.  I needed to check out handicapped parking availability, as it alters dramatically each semester, so I needed to go in earlier than scheduled.  I left the house at 7:00.  Chris was still doing his chores, so although I got Reilly's room squared away before I left, he's actually the one who settled him into his room for the day.  He also beat me home, as I didn't leave work until after 6:00 pm.  I've got to condense my time as much as possible so Reilly doesn't get left any more than necessary.  He's extraordinarily good at self-entertaining.  In fact, I've never seen a puppy so good at keeping himself occupied, but he shouldn't have to any more than necessary.  I left him two different peanut butter Kongs this morning, along with his toys. 

I've taken his bed away from him, as he was using it for a urinal at night and during the day.  No matter how much I wash it, I just can't get enough scent out of it, and the washer is breaking down the foam.  So Reilly is getting a pile of towels each night as a bed.  I can pick up all the towels and toss them int he wash easily enough, and he likes towels on the hardwood floor in the other rooms.  Of course, since I switched to the towel pile, he hasn't peed on it a single time.  The scent on the bed must have just been too much to resist.  If I could find the right formula of Nature's Miracle around here, it might be easier, but I haven't.  Other than night-time and when we're gone, he has only very rare indoor accidents now.  Still, he hasn't learned to ask appropriately.  He's trying to do some seriously heavy barking the last couple days which may be a request to go out, but that isn't going to be an acceptable way to ask when working so we can not respond to it and encourage it.  Still working on the bells for this.  I wish he'd watch Murphy's example, but not yet.  We've got lots of time, though.  No rush. 

After taking carrots away, cleaning up as quickly as possible, and other evasion tactics...Reilly is still eating his poo at night and while we're gone.  I've been taking his bowl up at night now.  But I've been reduced to trying the brewers yeast/cayenne pills sold to stop this behavior.  We'll see how they work.  I hope they do well!

His new vest came in yesterday.  I thought I'd measured pretty well and chosen one where he was at the smaller end of the measurement range, but it won't be too long before he's outgrown this one too.   I'll need to find a place to donate these as he outgrows them.  With the patches removed or changed out, they can be used for many things.  I'm going to get the patches on tonight so he can test it tomorrow on our park walk.

Coming back to add.....I was hoping to get the patches on and take photos tonight, but I can barely keep my eyes open after today, so it's not happening.  Sorry.

Meg and Reilly

Monday, August 15, 2011

Trying to focus

We went for a short walk around the pasture this morning, just to spend some time on a leash.  Reilly did much better today.  We'll do the same in the morning.  I must leave a bit early tomorrow, as my new brace is in and I'll be put in it at 8:30.  It'll be interesting.  Can't wait to see how Reilly reacts to the contraption.

Speaking of reactions, I didn't realize yesterday that Chris was about to mow when I let the dogs out and went to get a shower.  I heard the mower and tried to find Reilly and get him back in, but failed.  I did see him just as the mower approached the house, but couldn't get to him and of course he couldn't hear me.  He was watching the mower approach, too.  I was afraid it would be scary for him, but it wasn't.  He exercised judgement, in moving from the grass to the edge of the carport, and sitting still while the mower went by.  As it moved away, he could hear me again, and came indoors.  But he wasn't unhappy with the mower. He found it intriguing, but something best observed from a distance.  And that's good.  Mowers can throw things with force, so I'm glad he had the sense to say back from it.

Had to go sort through a bunch of dog food brands today, trying to find a new one that is grain-free, chicken-free and low calcium...without a huge increase in protein to make up for he calcium!  The one we had switched him to seems to cause mastiffs some digestive grief in the form of loose stools, so I'd rather him not have it.  We were already in the switch-over to it, and I didn't want to go right into another switch, but we are.  Reilly and I went to our best local pet shop, and the young gentlemen there helped us out tremendously.   I told them what I wanted, and one took me to where those types of feed were in the store, and flipped bags on just about everything so I could read labels.  The other looked them up online when the calcium wasn't on the bag.  We ended up with a limited ingredient feed called Nature's Balance.  We'll see how they do on this one.   This is the second time Reilly has been in this shop, and we were recognized upon entry, with Reilly being complimented on his growth.  Between the beautiful puppy and my sticks, I guess we are easy to remember!

He's learning the routine around here pretty well now.  He understands breakfast.  He understands that he doesn't get the same thing the others do, but he doesn't care, since he doesn't like rice anyway!  (He hasn't tried eggs yet, so he doesn't know about them.) But he's learned that everyone is happy at breakfast time, so he's ready to be happy, too.

On the other hand, Murphy is convinced that if breakfast takes just One More Minute, he will waste completely away.

Yes, Murphy is so deprived.  He's starving to death.  Just look at him; he's skin and bones.  He's also getting quite white around the muzzle.  Such an old man at 3 1/2!

Reilly did some more practice this evening with "take it", "bring it" and "drop", since he was running around like crazy grabbing things.  "Collecting treasures" is what we call it.  While he's in a grabby mood is a good time to get him to pick up weird things.  Today it was paper things.  Folded paper, a booklet.  He's not quite ready to bring in the Wall Street Journal, but we'll get there.  New textures each time we play this game.  The paper has been the thing he's most reluctant to drop. 

Oh!  I filled the Kongs with peanut butter this morning and left two for Reilly.  He liked the peanut butter, and later today I saw him gnawing on one of them.  The big guys are interested in the peanut butter, but not the Kong it's in.  They're both trying to lick peanut butter without touching the toy.  Neither of them ever liked synthetic chew toys.  Another reason it's important to have Reilly picking up as many different textures as possible.  I'm pleased to see he will gnaw on them instead of just lick peanut butter, too, as it will direct his teething-chewing, hopefully!

It's late, and Reilly is telling me it's time to go to bed.

Meg and Reilly

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Back to walking

This morning we slept in until about 6:30, did our chores, got doggie breakfast, and then went back to the park for a walk around the ball field.  Since Reilly was on limited exercise he hasn't had enough leash time, which I'd already figured out, but it did show on this walk.  He was trying to walk in front of me with leash taut, and was crowding me from the side with his hips.  So, we'll be doing more leash work, as planned.  A bit of practice around here and our planned three days a week at the park, and he'll be back to loose-leash walking soon.  Plus, puppy class starts September 6th.  Which reminds me, I haven't gotten any paperwork or anything from them other than an email confirmation.  I'd best check in this week and make sure we're still on the list.

I also need to put his socks back on.  I had stopped so I didn't pull his legs around, but he can have them back now.  I do need to find something easier for one person to do, as I can't put his socks on by myself.  Well, if he'd hold his foot out I could, but it's like trying to put socks on a wiggly two-year-old.  Two people is better.

I haven't had time to work on a training schedule.  the Charlotte trip yesterday meant all the weekend chores had to be done today.  So I re-bedded the chicken houses, cleaned out nest boxes, canned the last of the grape juice, and still had errands to run downtown.  I forgot the stores close earlier on Sunday so didn't get all the errands done, but I'll finish tomorrow.  I also need to figure out when I can write this out each day.  At the moment I'm managing every other day, but it'll be better for me to do daily.  I'll also remember pictures better if I'm doing this daily.

I did pick up three black Kongs, and one red one, all shaped nicely for peanut butter.  Reilly will get the red one and one black one, and the other two black ones will be left out for Jake and Murphy.  I'm hoping they will help on my working days, and help with teething on Reilly.  We shall see.  I know mastiffs can eat the red ones, but it should give us a bit of time before he's able to do so.  If I see signs of wear, I'll confiscate it and pass it on to someone else.

Since I've ordered a vest for him, I won't be needing to continue using a harness on him.  That was mostly for him to be used to having something on his body.  The vest will cover that.  So, I have a couple harnesses, and lots of collars (including old ones I found from Jake and Murphy) that I need to find homes for.  I'm guessing a rescue facility could use them.  I'll have to check.  We don't need to keep them all.  And since they aren't in them long everything is in good shape.  After his vest comes, I'll see what I need to keep and what can go.  And I thought I was done passing on things the kids outgrew!

Hopefully I'll have something new in pictures tomorrow.  I'll try!

Meg and Reilly

Friday, August 12, 2011

Happiness is straighter legs

We saw the original Doc today, Doc Julie.  She walked out into the waiting room to get Reilly for x-rays, and was thrilled with his legs.  I told her that I still would like base-line x-rays...paranoid soul that I am...especially since they would be on file if he needed to see our other Doc, Doc Kim.  She laughed, then sobered and said that was probably a good idea...since she's been recalled into the military and is being deployed to Afghanistan first of October!  Wow.  Between her leaving and my paranoia, we got x-rays of all four legs.  His growth plates are nice and big and show no signs of premature closing.  His legs have improved dramatically.  We have permission to do gentle walks...back around the ball field walks, no miles anywhere.  (I don't do miles well, either, so it's a good thing he can't.)  We've planned to do our ball field three days a week, on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.  I don't have class on Wednesday or Friday, so I can spare some time in the morning easily enough, and Sunday instead of Saturday will keep us from having two sequential days.

I feel better now.

Doc also suggested I go ahead and cape him when he's out.  I have capes and vests for him when he's bigger, but had not planned on doing them just yet.  However, I went ahead and ordered one his size, with "Service Puppy In Training", and "Working Dog; Please Do Not Pet" patches.  He will start learning that he needs to get permission to talk to someone, and then WE need to approach the person he's meeting.  He can also start learning the difference between "work" time and "free" time, based on when he's wearing his cape.  Most service dogs learn this fairly quickly. 

Doc Julie is also  a dog trainer, so I was particularly pleased when she returned from x-raying Reilly and commented on his temperament and how good it appeared for a service dog.  She's a very straightforward person; says just what she thinks.  She'd say it if she thought otherwise. 

I do have a few pictures today.  Chris got home a day early from his trip, and the big dogs took turns getting puppy hugs.  Murphy is the leader of the four-legged part of the pack, so he gets his attention first.  Murphy adores Chris, and Chris adores Murphy.

After a bit, he has to get sent away, so patient Jake can get his turn greeting Chris.

And yes, I do have a couple of Sir Reilly, too!

The first one is him carrying a stick.  Chris and I had him "take it", "bring it" and "drop" back and forth between us today.  Reilly enjoyed it!

This one is something I should have shown you before.  Look at it first....

A couple things to notice here.  First, look how much better his legs look!  Yay!

Second...these are corner shelves in the kitchen, back behind Reilly.  Look what's on them.  The bag on the bottom, in front of the bread machine, contains Mother Hubbard dog biscuits.  You can't see them, but there are a couple bags of other treats on top of the breadmakeer.  On the shelf above are three old enamel pots, with different dog treats in them. All within easy reach of all dogs.  All easily opened by all dogs.  The dogs do not open them; not even Reilly.  If I ask the big dogs what they want, Murphy will choose the container he wants a treat from by bumping it with his nose.  If I open it, he will not get a treat out, but waits for me to get it and hand it to him.  When Reilly arrived at 8 weeks, he wanted to get his own treat.  Once. I told him no, and he has not touched them since, although he gets excited when I pick up a bag or open a pot.  As I've said before, and doubtless will say again, once a mastiff understands "The Rules", he will follow them to the best of his abilities.  They're just wired that way.

So, a really good day, since we got good news about his legs.  We will certainly be keeping regular checks on those legs, but I will be less nervous about it.

Meg and Reilly

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I need a new pattern...

...not that kind! 

With me returning to work, the time I had set aside each day to type this is when I'm too tired to do it.  This is not good.  I'll have to take some time this weekend and actually make a schedule for myself, and for Reilly, so we can continue in formal fashion what we've started in casual fashion.

Reilly had a vet appointment today.  There were a couple issues that caused us problems.  One, their computer had hiccuped and eaten some appointments, ours included.  We weren't on the schedule.  Second, the vet that saw Reilly originally was not there.  Third, we could have waited to see the other doc, but she was in an emergency C-section, so her appointments were backlogged already.


I chose coming back tomorrow, as they had an afternoon opening.  I let the tech know that I'd like them to do x-rays for a base-line, as things seem to be altering.  I should have requested them first visit.  I know they were trying to save money by not offering them, especially since most people with pet dogs would wait and see, but he'll have a better opportunity for soundness even with surgery, if he has some background info for the orthopedist.  If he needs to go that route.  I'm thinking right now that he won't.  His right leg is the straighter now, and his left front is worse, and it looks to my inexperienced eye that his hind legs are playing the game, too.  I think it'll all straighten up in the end.

I realized today that without us walking Reilly has had little leash time these days.  Mistake on my part.  He needs his leash time.  He was pulling me at the vet, which is not good.  Part of that was due to all the worker-bees calling him and trying to get puppy-hugs.  I have explained to the head tech that they really need to not do that.  We'll see how this works out.  I will explain it again to Doc tomorrow.  As soon as he's done with his shots, he starts puppy school, so that will help.  And it will be some time before he goes back to the vet.  I think he'll need to be wearing a reminder vest there by that point.

I also realized today that Reilly has been using his bed as a urinal for the last couple days.  His bed is now in the wash.  A down side of having no sense of smell, as he could easily have been doing this for several days.  Chris is out of town, so he isn't here to pick up on it.  We keep doing two steps forward and one step back.  But the main progress is always forward.

I only got a couple pics today, in his favorite spot, which you've seen before.  But it at least gives you an opportunity to see how he's growing.  37.5 pounds today.  So that's about 8-9 pounds for two weeks?  (I didn't go back to look and am relying on memory.  MY memory.)  That's a reasonable gain. Not too fast, which will make the growth problems worse, and not poor growth, either.

I'll sort out a good time of day for doing this, and keep the freshly carded camera closer.

Meg and Reilly

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

You're right...

...I didn't post yesterday.  We returned from our anniversary outing tired.  After letting all the doggies out and taking care of chores, I got my camera to take pictures...and the card had died.  I gathered enough energy to go get a new one, but not enough to take any pictures.  We simply sat and watched the dogs.  They were all wanting people attention after us being gone all day.  Both Murphy and Jake wanted on the sofa with Chris.  Then of course Reilly wanted up too.  But he's only allowed up there with me currently, and not with the big dogs, as he pesters them.  He can reach them now, so he was pestering Murphy.  Murphy calmly got off the sofa, went and got a squeaky toy, dropped it at Reilly's feet, and when he started playing with it, went back to Chris for more attention.  A little while later I had to take something away from him, and replaced it with a rope to play with.  He loves ropes.  Murphy watched intently.  An hour later, when Reilly was being a pest again, Murph went into the next room, got a rope, and came back to drop it on Reilly's head.  "Here, Little Boy, take this and go play somewhere else."  You could almost hear him say it.t

I think Reilly is staying up a lot during the night, and doing more sleeping during the day than perhaps he should.  It's a catch-22 though.  Do I wake him up and thereby increase his exercise, which could be bad for his legs?  Or let him sleep during the day and play in his room at night?  He has few accidents during the day, even when we're gone.  Both Sunday and  Monday he had no poo in the house while we were out...but he'll have two during the night, usually.  I know part of that is being free-fed, and I could...and perhaps should...take his food up at night, but I think I'll wait to work on that until we get some answers on the legs.  If he were over-eating, which might make the leg issue worse, I'd consider putting him (and by default all of them) on meals, but I'd rather not.  He's staying a good lean size on his own meal plan.  But I will remain open to changing my mind.

Today was my first day back at work, as fall semester starts up next week.  I'm not feeling mentally ready to go back yet.  Usually I'm raring to go by now.  I'd rather stay home with Reilly for starters!  Also, I've deteriorated more this summer than in any short period of time, and am having to use two sticks to get around safely rather than just one.  I hate getting the questions and looks it brings.  One thing about dogs...they don't care.

When I came home today, I let all the dogs out to go potty for 10 minutes.  Reilly came back covered in mud.  He went for a dip in the pool, and then it seems he did some digging.  Since I still don't have that new SD card actually IN my camera, I cannot show you.  But, mastiffs brush off after they dry, and in a short while there was nothing to see.  Tomorrow is bath day, so any residue will leave then.  After he came in...he pooped in the house.  So he spent his potty time playing and saved the poo for indoors.  Gotta love it.  He knows his time outdoors is limited; he just doesn't know why.  But he came in, went back to sleep, and really only woke up a few minutes ago.  I have nothing to report today because he's slept through the whole thing!

I think I'll be checking with the vet on Thursday about exactly how much exercise he can have.  I'd like to do some formal training sessions, plus he starts puppy school on Sept 6th.  I need to see how that'll fit in.  If we have to wait until the next class, that will be a serious issue, as he'll be too big for me to physically maneuver.  I guess it'll be another thing to play by ear.

Back to work in the morning.  That's the best time to work with Reilly too, when he's a bit tired from doing chores.  It'll all work out though.  I'll just keeping on solidifying the words he knows already, and hold off on anything new until I know how much we can work.

I'll get the card in the camera.

Meg and Reilly

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Swimming pool and demands

Reilly has decided that the swimming pool is his new best friend.  Every time he goes out unattended, even for a couple minutes, he's likely to come back wet.  We're getting lots of towel practice! 

He's also being very demanding today.  He's barking peremptorily to demand a treat, to demand to be helped onto the sofa, to demand we stop what we're doing and pet him.  He's being very disappointed that his demands are not being met, and if he gets insistent and can't be distracted with a toy, he's invited to go outside.  I'm countering that with an occasional treat when he's being quiet.  He's also able to eat dried sweet potatoes now without them gumming up his mouth and sticking his teeth together like they did a few weeks ago.  He thinks they're pretty good things to get!

Chris and I went to Raleigh today for a gun show and some shopping.  Since I'm getting a new leg brace soon that goes from top of my thigh to under my foot, I'll be unable to wear jeans or slacks, and therefore I need more skirts to wear to work.  (It's a good thing I wore a skirt often when Reilly arrived, just to teach him not to pull on them, else I'd have a very large puppy ripping hems soon!)  We left the house about 9:00am, and didn't get back until nearly 4:00 pm.  Reilly was a good boy while we were gone.  He peed only on his paper, and didn't poop in the house during the entire time!  He also didn't eat, but once he went out and pottied, he went straight to the big boy bowls to eat.  Same food.  Same type and size of bowl.  I don't get it. 

When we got home, Chris took the time to build a new half-step for he step into the mudroom where I have a tendency to fall.  It's a solid step, and will make things easier and safer for me.  When I put Reilly to bed, I asked Chris if he'd sprayed it with the bitters.  He hadn't, so he came to do so.  When we got back to the mudroom, Reilly already had his teeth in it!  There's something about wood he likes.  I haven't been able to get him interested in anything else.  Yet.  I'm working on it!

I've decided that even though he's really not being formally trained just yet, I need to set up a training log for him.  The easiest way for me to do that is to start another blog, and then just have a link here.  So I'll work on that sometime this week.  That'll really make me look at how much time is spent working with Reilly, as opposed to how much he's learning.

Tomorrow is our 30th wedding anniversary, so we will be abandoning the Boys again for a large part of the day.  Poor guys.  It's a warm up for me going back to work. 

The camera is charged now, but no pictures for you today.  I'll try to get pool pictures tomorrow.  :)

Meg and Reilly

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Reilly has discovered the swimming pool.  And my camera is dead as a doornail.  I did think to take pictures, but I can't.

We were coming back from feeding the sheep this morning when he stopped at Jake's kiddy pool.  He went to get a drink.  Then he stepped into it with his front feet.   It took him a moment to get his back feet in too, but he managed.  Then he started playing with the water.  He likes water.  As soon as he can take the added exercise, we'll take him to one of the lakes around here to play.

This morning we got up at about 5:45, and Reilly had not yet pooped in his room, so I let him outside.  He immediately started hunting crickets, so I let him go and started taking care of a bunch of packages were mailing today.  After a bit of hunting and finally going poo outside, Reilly was ready to come in.  A few minutes later, we were ready to go out to feed.  He didn't want to go back out.  I made him anyway.  Teething puppies, no mater how sleepy, should not be left unattended.  Unless I wanted to re-gate his room, which I did not.   So, he had to go back out.  Once there, he decided he was going to go feed with us.  And take a dip in the pool on the way back.

I love the layout of our little farm.  Everything is so close.  Even with "limited exercise", this is manageable.  The barn is fifty feet from the house.  The farthest sheep shed, which is the one in current use, is twice that.  That's it.  No long trudges anywhere.  No hills; we're flat as a pancake here.  So he strolls along with me at my slow pace, and when he comes inside again, he's ready for his midday nap to commence.  Except today he was scheduled for a bath.  Since he was already wet from the pool, it was the logical time to do it.  Got him all scrubbed up and flea-free, and he slept good for hours.

He's definitely figured out how to get me to open the door for him...if he's on the outside and I'm on the inside.  A good solid bark does it.  He may be getting the idea that the can also get my attention indoors.  Every whine he makes has me jumping up asking if he wants to go outside.  Twice today he was heading for the door as soon as I started to get up.  Maybe he did it on purpose; who knows?  But he did have three accidents today.  The first one, he kinda caught himself and stopped and went to the door.  The others he snuck off to do, and made no apology for.  Still, one step forward and one step back gets you there. 

Murphy is still being wonderfully patient with him and his throat-gnawing tendencies.  Murphy is sporting lots of tiny scabs under his chin and down his throat from someones little puppy teeth.  And he's never offered to snap, growl, or discipline that puppy in any way.  Hopefully Reilly will grow out of throat-gnawing.

Did not get to the pet store today.  We need to go to Raleigh tomorrow, so will see what's up there as far as dog chewy toys.  Perhaps well find just the right thing.  But he'll have to stay in the mudroom while we're gone, to protect his digestive system from the wood bits that want to jump down his throat. 

I brought one of the French angora rabbits inside to groom today, and she had to sit in the travel cage for quite a while.  Reilly smelled her over good once, then lost interest.  He does the same thing with the poultry, the cat, everything.  He's easily called off whatever is holding his interest.  Except crickets.  Sigh.

Martha, his breeder, called today to give me more breed-specific info on mastiff growth issues to share with my vet.  Vet requested.  My vets well understand that each breed is different, and that breeders often have an insight into the breed that vets cannot.  And I'm lucky to have both good vets and a good breeder.  And that they're all willing to share information and help each other out for the puppy.  So we'll take info when we go on Thursday coming. 

I'll charge the camera up.

Meg and Reilly

Friday, August 5, 2011

YES! We are teething!

Am I sure about this?  Why, yes. Yes, I am. 

I was suspicious when he chewed the threshold, but it had been chewed before, so was a bit rough and enticing.  Now, it's confirmed.  One puppy entering into the teething stage.

Proof?  You want proof?


This is the corner of an antique dry sink that sits in my kitchen.  On a normal day, it does not have this rough, white, exposed wood.  Nor does it have little chips of wood lying about it.  Nor, I should add, do I get puppy poo with matching little white chips in it.  Sigh. 

Oh, well.  The sooner it begins, hopefully the sooner it's over!

So, we do not expand his territory into the kitchen just yet.  When I must be gone, he must stay in the mudroom, until we get his chewing focused on something.  He shows no interest in the giant rawhides, so I need to go back to the pet shop tomorrow and find a few items that might entice him.  I think I'll take him and see what he thinks.  (not Pets Mart....way too busy and full of animals)  Once I get the chewing focused, we will again expand his space.  He's not confined when I'm home, so it's only for when I'm gone.  Chris has sprayed pretty much everything in puppy range that can take it with the bitter spray.  And got it on his hands.  It doesn't wash off well, as he learned when he used his fingers to pick up a bite of his dinner. 

I did not laugh.

Today Reilly has responded well to switching over from "come" to "here" as a call word.  The first time I used it, he just sat and cocked his head and looked at me...until I added that hand signal we practiced with last night.  He got visibly happy when I used it, and responded properly!  He's a brilliant puppy! 

Chris went to let him outside this morning, and I heard him tell Reilly to not "just sit there," but hurry up.  I discovered that Chris needs to get his own list of what we're doing; he was unaware that Reilly has already learned to sit and wait for permission to go out an open door.  Once Chris said, "Okay, outside," Reilly went right out.  Reilly even got kinda run over/pushed aside by Murphy today, as Murph wanted out badly.  Reilly shook it off, and waited for his permission to exit. 

He understands "take it" pretty well, but getting him to hold on to everything we offer him is another story.  He needs to hold on before I can work on "bring it"!  We're already working on "drop," but he's not as happy with that one.  He'll learn.  At one time, we had Murphy carrying a single egg back from the chicken house for us each day.  I kinda wish we'd kept that up; he'd be an example!

Reilly also understands "Not for you."  He takes it a bit personally, however.  If I tell him something isn't for him, he leaves it, but then drops to the floor with a huge, heavy sigh and puts his head on his front feet.  And pouts.  But he leaves it alone.  Well, at least for then; he's still a baby.  It's like telling a two-year old.  They do it for as long as you're watching or as long as they remember, whichever comes first.  And they never remember if you aren't there to remind them!

I look at his legs all day long.  Sometimes I look and they seem perfect.  Other times they seem far worse.  Sometimes his rear legs look to be doing the same thing, but then next glance, they don't.  Just goes to show you that I have no idea what I'm looking for.  Puppy legs always look weird to me anyway.  I'll have to wait upon the judgement of others. 

I feel like I should have some large, grandiose Thing to report each day, when all we have are simple, every day puppy training days.  Nothing extraordinary, except the issue with his legs...and that may well end up being nothing to fret about.  So, boring is our normal around here.  It's all I have to offer!  I'll continue to try to compensate for that with cute puppy pictures.  Today, just get not-so-cute puppy damage.

Meg and Reilly

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Calm day and Tractor Supply

Another calm day, and so far another day without accidents.  He did have an accident after I posted last night, but still, it's getting better all the time.  Today's been hot, and all the dogs are sleeping a lot.

I needed to go pick up dog food however, and opted for Tractor Supply, since they'll get it and load it for me.  I had posted about Reilly's growth issues on a mastiff forum, and one advice was to switch feeds from Taste of the Wild to another natural grain-free (and chicken-free) kibble, to reduce the calcium.  After looking at the ingredients in the suggested ones online, I went with Blue feed, which will cut the percent of calcium by nearly a third.  I picked up one bag, and Chris will pick up more tomorrow.  When I researched feeds a while back, due to Murphy having repetitive hemorrhagic diarrhea, TOW and Blue were the two finalists.  I hadn't been looking at calcium levels at it concerns puppies though, which is now a consideration.  We'll see how they all react to a change in diet.

So, Reilly and I tootled off to Tractor Supply for feed.  He behaved even better today than he did last time!  Lovely public manners.  He did greet the store people that invited him.  One of them stated that if she'd known he was destined to be a service dog, she would have ignored him.  At his age, however, I feel it's important for him to be socialized and understand that people are friendly.  Once he's along in training far enough to really be called a Service Dog In Training, and is wearing a vest, he can start learning the proper way to meet people...with permission.  At 13 weeks?  He just needs to know he's lovable. When he's grown there will be people who are afraid of him or nervous of him, so I'd like him to understand now that it's not everyone.   However, while at Tractor Supply he walked nicely on his leash, sat when told to, first time, and did not pick up the dropped gum on the floor when told it wasn't for him.  Successes all around.  These are really good for his age.  I'm glad I have Tractor Supply to bring him to, without a lot of distraction from other dogs as I would have at Pet's Mart.  It'll be some time before he visits that madhouse.

Reilly had company today.  Lisa and Judy came back to visit...and look at him sleep.  One day they'll come and he'll want to play.  And Margie and John came to pick up the Tweetie birds, and of course to admire Sleeping Beauty.  The house is quiet without the birdies.

I think Reilly is going to be a dog that likes pillows.  He's sound asleep here.

This evening he did have one accident, although I'm not sure exactly when.  Other than that, he's been fine. 

I was reviewing terms used with him today, and realized that I need to change something before he gets too  confused.  We have a tendency to use "come on" in conjunction with "Let's go".  That may be why he welcomed the addition of  a hand signal with "come".  "Come on" implies "walk with me", where "come" is "come to me", so two different expectations.  I think since it's an unthinking phrasing on "come on" that we'd be better of changing "come" to "here."  We can do this.  Reilly can, too.  And if we're going to change it, it should be now, before he gets firmly attached to his words!  This is a real glitch, as I should have thought more about phrasing and commands earlier.  I need to make a fuller list, put it on the fridge for Chris, and be more careful!

Reilly and I are both tired and heading to bed.
Meg and Reilly

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Getting back to work, or Adjustments puppies make.

I had to go to work today.  The fall semester will start soon, and I need to finish prepping for it.  I need to be there for students coming in.  So, I did a warm-up today, since I had to go in for a meeting anyway.

For Reilly, we did some leash work this morning, and some practice on "come", to which he seems to add, "if you wanna" at times.  Then I expanded his space.  The mudroom leads into the kitchen, which is quite large.  All the pictures with the camouflaged floor are kitchen pics.  There are two other doors leading out of the kitchen.  One goes to the hallway.  I shut that door.  Then there's a pair of swinging doors (think old cowboy movie saloon) from the end of the kitchen into the dining room.  I moved the baby gate there.  I moved the main food and water out to the other rooms where Jake and Murphy could get them, and put new bowls down for Reilly.  I made sure Reilly had lots of outside time...then I left him in his new digs.

I realized several hours later that I forgot to put down paper for him.  Whoops.  I anticipated a serious mess. 

I didn't get home until 4:00.  That's a long time for Reilly to be without me.  And without paper.  Oh, my.  When I opened the door, Reilly sat just inside, waiting for me.  So he heard me outside and knew to come to the door!  Yay!  No potty messes in the mudroom.  Makes sense; the mudroom is his sleeping room.  At his age, he understands not messing up your den, at least to a point.  The pee and poo should be in the kitchen.

Then I was shocked at Jake's face appearing in the mudroom, wanting out.  Then Murphy.  SOMEONE had opened the door or knocked down the baby gate. 

It was the door.  I tested it and realized that it didn't catch properly.  That would have made it easy for Murphy to push open, as it would swing into the kitchen from the hallway.  Jake wouldn't push a door open on a bet, but Murphy will push them open, or hook a paw to pull them open.  After noting two poop piles and two pee spots in the kitchen, I checked the rest of the house.  Nothing.  Nada.  Nothing gotten into.  No pee spots.  Nothing.

I remind myself that I have no idea how long the door had been open.  It could have been all day, or it could have been since my car pulled in.  If Reilly had access to the entire house all day, though...he was a seriously good puppy!  On the other hand, he sleeps a good part of the day, being active mostly mornings and evenings, so that could be it.  Regardless, it was nice to come home to minimal clean-up after seven hours.  Reilly peed as soon as he got out. 

Then I found that he had done his first chewing.  Thirteen weeks tomorrow?  Beginning teething, perhaps?  The threshold from the mudroom into the guest room was chewed on by the previous owner's dog.  Then Jake, very briefly.  Now Reilly.  Chris will dress it up with bitter apple spray this evening, and hit a few more places that enticed Jake as a puppy.  That should do it.  He's got a couple giant rawhides to chew.  Big ones that he can't eat.  In fact, they belong to Jake and Murphy and have for several years.  One is older than Jake!  If he decides he likes them, I'll have to watch them as he gets bigger so he doesn't eat them, but at this stage he can't.  And I'll see what other things they're making for teething pups these days.  He needs appropriate, safe things to chew. 

I couldn't get him still enough to take leg pictures from the angle I wanted this morning, but we'll try again this evening.  But I did take a few more regular photos this morning.  I'm getting admonished about pics more frequently, so I'm going to try to have at least one to post every day.  (Note the word "try" in there!)

Note the interest Murdock has in Reilly.  Murdock is the white lamb on the right.  He greets Reilly every morning. 

This morning, I mopped the mudroom floor on the way out to feed, rather than just clean where his paper was. I didn't pick up his bed this time, as I was lazy, so I tossed all the toys up onto it and left them there.  When we came in after chores, he was tired and went to bed.  I think this was his reminder that he needs room on there, too!

All The Boys waiting for breakfast:

And getting it. Reilly is getting a dog biscuit for now, until I sort out how to handle his breakfast. We don't do food aggression, and make it a point to all eat amicably together. I take food away from them and give it back, and they all know they will eat. In fact, if one of the big dogs is eating the kibble and Reilly comes to eat, the adult will relinquish the bowls. Probably to protect their ears!

I have been fascinated with the color differences.  Murphy is a fawn, and both Jake and Reilly are apricots.  Jake is dark like Reilly's mother, but he was also dark as a pup, where Reilly is somewhere in between the two.  I wonder if Reilly will darken to the shade of his mother, or remain the shade he is.  It matter not one bit, as they're all beautiful, but it'll be interesting watching how it turns out. 

This is just because Jake is in fewer photos than Murph, as he doesn't interact with Reilly as much yet.  :)

Okay....Reilly's legs.  To give you a comparison, first look at Jake's straight legs above. Then Murphy's legs, below:

Just ignore the cute puppy next to Murph.  He's having a fight to the death with a rope.

Okay, now Reilly.  Three pictures.  The first is him lying down with legs stretched out, like Murphy.  You can see an angle at the wrist.  (he's yawning above those legs)

Now sitting, so you can see the angle, plus how it's posing his feet; on tiptoe and turned out.

Another so you can see his feet, from slightly higher. You can see that his right foot is worse, which is why he limps on that foot.

I hope that's enough pictures for today!

The only accidents Reilly had in the house today were when I was gone, and those don't count, when he has no other option.  He's not able to hold it too long quite yet.  So the potty training is coming along nicely.  We've also added a hand signal to "come" as of this evening, and he's liking that a lot.  You can see his eyes go to my hand when he hears me say the word, and his head cocks sideways as he watches the movement.  Then he does what I ask, fairly consistently.  He's sitting better today, too.  Every day he gets better on these simple commands.

Another term that I use a lot is "take it".   Any time he picks something up, I try to tell him to take it, so he gets the idea of picking up what I indicate later.  He likes to carry sticks, and invariably picks one up when we go feed the sheep.  Sometimes after he's gotten his own, I'll offer a different one, with "take it".  He likes new sticks, so he'll drop the one he has in favor of the new one, for which he gets praise.  I also use it for the dummy on a rope I have.  We'll use something similar to teach him to pull open doors.  He's quite mouthy for a mastiff, likes to carry things, and is the licky-est mastiff I've ever met.  Bodes well for getting him to retrieve, but is no guarantee. 

He also knows, "not for you".  I have a mental block with the common term of "leave it".  I hate it.  I want to finish the sentence.  With "not for you", it's the first part of the sentence that's missing..."This is..."  Sometimes I add that, and other times I don't.  But it ends properly, and I have no compelling urge to complete it.  Plus it's habit, as that's what Murph and Jake know.  Silly thing I know, but I'm weird that way. 

I should add a page to track the terms we use with him.  He gets other terms too, that he's slowly becoming familiar with.

Oh, I had a discussion about Reilly with my department chair today.  David is quite supportive of what I'm doing, which is nice.  I've told him my plan for this semester, which is once Reilly is properly potty-trained, and has reasonable manners, to bring him to work on non-teaching days.  I'll decide next semester what his maturity level is, and what he's doing at that time, and see at that time if he's ready to come to classes or not.  It'll depend in part on my class schedule, and in larger part on him.  If he's not ready at the beginning of the semester, he may become ready during the semester. Or he might not be ready until fall 2012.  We'll see, and not push him.  That wouldn't help anyone.  In the meantime, coming on non-class days gives him an opportunity to learn to help in my office by picking up things I drop or fetch things I indicate, and a chance to practice  how he's allowed to meet people.  He's going to need to learn to approach people only with permission, even when he's not balancing me.  Inside my office is a good place to practice. 

Good day today.  Actually, aside from the leg issues, we haven't had a bad day yet.  It's steady improvement, all the time.

Meg and Reilly

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Unexpected things

Reilly's had a good day, mostly.  He didn't have a single accident in the house today.  He has had no desire (or opportunity!) to eat his poo.  He's waiting at the door to get permission to go out, even if the unruly big dogs are pushing past him to go out. 

He got new, bigger socks today, and while I was at it, toddler T-shirts!  I have wanted something for him to wear other than his harness, to keep him used to having things on his body.  He'll eventually need to wear a work harness and packs.  I don't want to go to the expense of buying vests for him as he's growing so rapidly.  That would be foolish.  But when I bought the socks, I saw the T-shirts and picked up a pack.  I tried one on him today.  He pulled at it once, and I told him to leave it alone.  He decided it was okay, and even sleep-worthy!

 A sleeping baby of any species is adorable!

Reilly is also making sure he gets some time on the sofa. (Okay, the loveseat. We refer to it as a sofa, since we don't have a sofa.) He's trying to get up on his own, but can't manage it yet. And of course, I don't want him jumping down, as he could hurt himself. So, I sit with him for a bit. I did it this morning, and had a couple other jealous doggies come join us. Chris grabbed the camera. He's better about remembering the camera than I am.

Murphy is a lap dog, in case you didn't know. Jake just wants to put his head in your lap, not all of him. Reilly loves the leather. That's fine, as long as the way to his heart isn't through his stomach.

Okay...the vet visit. Sigh. It's not panosteitis. It's Carpus valgus. It is a different growth deformity. Simply put, the two bones in his foreleg, the radius and ulna, are growing a different rates. This is causing him to shift to stepping on his toes instead of his foot, and at the same time rotate his feet outward at the wrist. The pain he's been having and the limping are from the weird pressure. Try walking on the outside of the ball of your foot on your tippy-toes and see how long until it hurts. This is another common growth problem in large and giant breed dogs. They just grow so fast. Those two bones need to even out and be the same length by the end of his growth phase. And not get so far apart that they cause joint damage in the meantime.

So, what does it mean for Reilly? Chances are, it'll catch back up to itself before the growth plates close. If not, he may need splints or even surgery to repair his forelegs. The odds are in his favor. If he evens back up on his own, he'll be sound. If he doesn't and he needs repair, he may not. So, he'll get checked again at his next vaccination visit, on the 11th. At the rate he's growing, something will be able to be seen then. We may wait a bit more, but likely take xrays to see how far he is from growth plate closure. If need be, Doc will refer me to a veterinary orthopedist. Doc is optimistic. I will do my best to be so as well. We can't tell now what's going to happen.

Reilly has been sleeping all evening, and just woke up, so I haven't gotten pictures of the angle of his wrists yet. I'll try to get them tomorrow, and post them so you can see.

Meg and Reilly

Monday, August 1, 2011

The choices you make

A while back, after talking to many mastiff breeders, and looking at mastiff puppies for months, I chose my breeder and my puppy.  I made great choices.  This morning, Martha called me to check on Reilly, since she had read my blog and knew he was limping.  And after giving me ideas and suggestions, she wants me to let her know what the vet finds and how followup will go.  Good breeder, to follow up on her puppy.  Kind person, to do it by phone instead of easy email, since she knew I was worried.  I think she's great! 

Reilly was more active today, and showing less limping.  He went into my wool room today, while Chris and I were discussing plans for the guest room.  He decided to attempt to eat an big pound braid of roving I had dyed.  Yes, it was stacked on the floor with a bunch of other stuff.  It's a wool room!  Wool everywhere!  At any rate, I found him in there next to the braid, with tell-tale bits of fiber all around.  Mastiffs are quick to figure out the Rules, as I've said before.  I picked up the braid, held it in front of his little face, and said firmly, "No!  This is not for you!"  He ducked his head, turned tail, and ran to the kitchen, where the "Not Fair" look was in full force by the time I got that far.  We'll see how many times he needs to be told to leave wool alone.  Murphy took once.  Jake took a half-dozen times.  It's rather irresistible stuff, wool.  I never learned to leave it alone, myself.

I was gone for most of the morning, getting fitted for a new KAFO brace to help keep me from falling down, so Reilly had to stay by himself for a few hours.  And I was gone for several hours this afternoon, shopping.  The new brace will go from high on the thigh to the bottom of my foot.  Blue jeans aren't going to be a good option.  Sigh.  I could wear it on the outside of jeans, and it would be fine...until I had to go to the bathroom.  Around the house, I can take the time to remove the apparatus, but at work my time is more I went shopping for skirts.  Reilly did well then, too.  Then he got some outside time with the big Boys, after which he came back in...and pooped indoors.  Jake had set up this pattern at that age too, thinking pee went outside but poop went inside.  He got through it and so will Reilly.  I wouldn't be so calm about it all if we had carpeting throughout the house, but it's hardwood, vinyl and tile, which can be cleaned.  And he did not eat his poo today.  And he's had no carrots, which his baby self doesn't understand.

He's gotten really good at waiting at the door when I ring the bell.  I have him sit and wait while I hold open the door.  Usually I let Murph and Jake precede him, and still make him wait until I say it's okay to go out.  He does very nicely.  It helps at this stage that he's content to let the dogs with higher pack status go first. 

Tomorrow's the vet visit to see what's up with him and his limping.  Still sounds like panosteitis; we'll see if the doc agrees...and what she recommends.  Martha pointed me toward a particular diet that another mastiff breeder recommends and says helps with hers.  I'd be interested to see what Doc says about it.  I'll let you know tomorrow.

In the meantime, I've got to go walk a puppy and get some sleep. My day started at 3:00 this morning.
Meg and Reilly