Saturday, October 15, 2011

What he's learning

I realized I have not spoken about what he's learning to do for some time now.  Aside for saying what problems are with his teenager bit lately.  Some things he's good on at home and less good out amongst distractions, which is why the classes are important.  And why we do some working in the park.  But here's what we're working on so far, and how he's doing:

Sit...has been excellent until this week.

Down...finally got the idea a week ago.  Is pretty good, although not 100% consistent yet.

Stay...about 80% consistent, including with me leaving his sight for a minute.

Loose -leash walking...he's starting to pull.  I'll be testing a Martingale collar, and if need be, a pinch collar, to get him to stop, although we'd then have to wean off whichever collar we try.  I will not use one permanently; they should be for training only.

Wait...I use this at the door to the house and in the car when I open the door, as well as any other time I want him to wait.  Similar to Stay, but a bit more flexible.  Stay means in the position he's placed in, where Wait means he can shift position, but not leave the spot.  He's about 95% on this one.  100% in the car, and not quite as good in the house.  Elsewhere, I encourage him to walk through doorways with me, as he'll need to do that consistently later on.

Come...Yesterday was the first time ever that he did not respond to this.  Usually he comes running no matter what, but he sat in the park on a Sit/Stay, and when called ignored me.  I had to go get him and enforce it.  Silly teenager isms.

Not for you (leave it)...I can't stand "leave it".  We use "Not for you" (shades of Hooch).  Today I sat in a chair in front of him and dropped a handful of treats, while telling him Not for you.  He didn't touch any of them, but let me pick them up one at a time, in front of him.  Didn't even drool.  A week ago I couldn't even have come close to that.

Watch me....just not happening, no matter what.  Must work on it more.

Touch...Started with nose to palm touching.  I'm expanding that to touching whatever the laser pointer is on.  He's wanting to touch the hand with the pointer, but is getting better at recognizing what I want, as I'm getting better at holding that out of his sight.  Maybe 30% on this, but we haven't been doing it long at all.  It was planned, but I hadn't been able to pick up a laser until a week ago.

So, we're getting there.  Still need to work, particularly on Watch Me.  Another round through the beginners class won't hurt.  He's going to be a big boy, and even if he doesn't work out for Service, he'll need excellent manners.

Meg and Reilly

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