Friday, October 14, 2011

Guilt and pictures

I'm finding myself not posting because I feel guilty that I have no pictures.  Taking pictures is hard for me to do.  I need to enlist others for that.  So I've decided that as of today I'm not feeling guilty, nor am I avoiding writing just because I don't always have pictures.  It is what it is.  I do have one or two today, as my sis visited me over part of fall break and took some this morning as we walked in the park.

So, what have I not said?  We have one more day of puppy class.  I had intended on having him go directly to the next class, which is the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) class, but he's really not ready.  I'm going to repeat the beginner class with him.  Many things he does well; others not.  He's weakest on focusing his attention on me, so we'll work on that more. 

I asked if we could take the obedience competition classes, even though I can't compete.  I've seen competitions; handlers have running and things to do...or so I thought.  The instructor I asked told me I could compete.  There are people with canes, walkers and wheelchairs doing competition obedience!  So I'm going to look into doing that.  That will help increase both Reilly's working understanding and my ability to help him learn.  Certainly can't hurt!  But first, he has to learn to look at me!

He's going through a beginning teenage stage starting this week, too.  He's refusing to do the commands he had learned so well, like a basic sit.  On the other hand, he's finally learned to "down" on command without a lure.  And I can leave him on a sit-stay on a long-line at the park, and he'll stay while I walk circles around him.  Teenage perversity! 

He's finally sleeping through the night.  And doing it mastiff style like the other Boys.  When we humans get up, we head straight for the bathroom.  When they get up, reluctantly and slowly, they want breakfast.  I practically have to throw them out; particularly Murphy.  Reilly has joined that crowd.  I quit penning him in the mudroom at night now as he's not going to potty during the night.  So now I have three mastiffs sleeping in my room.  In my bed when Chris is gone.  We still need a bigger bed. 

We took Reilly in for a weight today at the vet.  He stepped onto the scale like it was an everyday thing.  Tipped the scales at 76.2 pounds.  He's gaining about five pounds a week, more or less, but he's not fat at all.

I've also got him stepping into the bathtub on his own for his bath, which is very helpful.  And he's getting his front end into the car by himself.  I still have to help his back end up, but we're working on that too.  Getting out is fun, as is getting off the bed.  He's learned "otter" and slides off or out, so he has far less impact.  In class they set up a 8" hurdle for them to jump.  At Reilly's height, all he was going to do was step over it.  Then they upped it to 16".  Now, Reilly doesn't need to be jumping.  He doesn't need the impact.  However, I know my Reilly.  He has absolutely no intention of jumping at this point in his life.  That would take far more energy than he's willing to expend.  So he made a good attempt at walking over the 16" hurdle, tripping over his big feet in the process.  And the instructor sighed...and put him back at 8" so he didn't hurt himself.  I watched the other pups jump, and cringed at the impact, but none of them are giant breeds.  They're all small dogs or gun dogs.  Different growth rates and stresses on those. 

So, here are some of the pics that Linda took this morning (Thanks Sis!)  Yeah, I'm still prednisone-plump.  I'm working on it, okay?

He's getting big, isn't he?  And more beautiful every day, even if he is being a bit of a teenager this week!

Meg and Reilly

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