Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A notable day

Notable in both good and bad ways.  Sigh.

The Good:  Today, for the first time, Jake decided it was okay to "go" on campus.  Sounds like such a small thing, but he's been going to work with me since before Christmas, and has never gone there, despite how long the day was or how often I took him outside.  so today I took him out once and he peed, and when I took him out later, he pooped, too!  The latter took me so by surprise I didn't have a bag with me, and had to go back for one.  But it's the small triumphs that matter.

The Bad:  Chris is out of town on business.  Today is the first day that Reilly has not had a mid-day potty break since his surgery.  On my long teaching days, Chris had been coming home in the middle of the day to let him go.  So, I was expecting that he wouldn't be able to hold it and that I'd have clean-up to do.  I was right.  But I was not prepared for him to have had diarrhea.  Oh, my.  I managed to remove washable items and get them in the wash, then get the rest, including the rug outside.  And cleaned him up.  But he seems to feel fine. 

More Good:  It's now right at six weeks since surgery, so we can start allowing him exercise and building muscle back up, so when I took him out I removed the leash and let him walk about on his own.  He was surprised, and pretty much walked with me anyway.  But he'll start getting more exercise now, although he's got to work into it.  I don't need him injuring himself due to atrophied muscles.  I'm sure he'll be glad to get some physical activity in!

Meg, Reilly and Jake

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